**For IPC module in Galaxy, S-MAX, Mondeo there are 3 ways to update directly with UCDS ...** Do not take the order literally, it depends on the necessity and your request ... **I. Update through the Update Wizard module, select the car model, retrieve the car information, and then go to the IPC module and update the latest version.** {{:fordmondeo4_s-max_galaxy:update_wizard.jpg?400|}} **II. Update via VBF Loader module.** Select correct files: 2. Vbf Loader (2kb) 1. Main (1mb) 2. Flash (2mb) the order 2 and 3 can be changed or omitted if you only need one part separately ... {{:fordmondeo4_s-max_galaxy:vbf_loader.jpg?400|}} **III. Update via "Mondeo Platform" item in Convers + old or Convers + Restyle tab. Depending on whether you have Convers + old type (valid for old ver. 1007 and intermediate version 1122)** Then select main, or main and flash as needed. {{:fordmondeo4_s-max_galaxy:ipc_unit_update_via_mondeo_s-max_galaxy_section.jpg?400|}} If you need to download calibration files, they are on the UCDS website or Ford SEO. The link is also directly from UCDS If you need direct links here: http://www.ucdsys.ru/calibration/ https://www.fordtechservice.dealerconnection.com/vdirs/wds/PCMReprogram/DSFM_PCMReprogram.asp?swproduct=IDS